Tuesday 20 April 2021

Do you have enough capacity for schooling in your locality? if yes than how much?

Yes, as per Delhi, it has locality for school education. There are about 30 and above schools with 350000+ students capacity. It is a big number, and it's also good.
Some important things:-
1.At least 35 million children aged 6 – 14 years do not attend school.
2.53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate.
3.In India, only 53% of habitation has a primary school.
4.In India, only 20% of habitation has a secondary school.
This kind of scenerio is because of some costly schools,we are not saying that private schools are not good, it is best I can say and it also has many facilities but because of some things, it can only afford education to rich people.

As per this let's look at two most important scenerios:-
Government School:-
Government schools has many children for education and it is also better to make such poor people educate . So this can be in the locality, we have enough capacity for this type and money will be saved . Government also spent a lot of money for these schools and people education is now becoming more important.
Important things about these schools:-
#Here teacher doesn't do recap the things.
#Space is comfortable for children
Private School:-
These schools are very much costly and about 500000+ poor people are without education because of private school cost.As per the thing here are less facilities and also there are some more of it.They also take donation and monthly payment which only rich and qualified parents can pay. So as per it , we don't have enough capacity for it because it will be very costly if we open these kind of school in our locality.
Some important things :-
#Here children are happy because all the things are fancy and qualified.
#In some of private schools,everything is costly, even if you take a pen from school they will ask for money.
Let's see the category of Languages in private and Government Schools:-

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