Monday 26 April 2021

Profession - Waste management consultant

Evidence - It more focusses on waste or hazardous things which will help to know about waste materials in our environment and also help us in finding a solution to clean our environment.
This is a concentric circle on the proffession Waste management consultant.
1. Science - As this profession is mainly related to studying science and exploring ideas based on it.
2. Reuse waste - We like to reuse waste products and make something which is again useful to us and for everyone.Thats why we choose this profession.
3.Hazardous and non Hazardous products are harmful substances, we need to study these in order to reach out goal or profession-A consultant of waste products.
4. We don't like to see the nature being affected with waste materials like plastics, polothins, rappers, etc so we thought of choosing this profession as to control this situation in our surroundings.

Going in depth:
Career prospects - Careers in the field have become increasingly structured, often attracting graduates with environmental degrees and an interest in waste management.Promotion can lead to the role of team leader within a local authority. You can then progress to become area manager or head of waste management, although this will depend on your area of interest and strengths
Salary - 
1.Starting salaries range between £22,000 and £25,000.
2.With several years' experience and at senior level, you could earn £28,000 to £45,000.
3.Operations managers or chartered waste managers can earn £45,000 or more.
Qualification - A degree in waste management or similar is often preferred. Other relevant subjects include:
1.Biological or biochemical sciences.
2.Chemical and physical sciences.
3.Civil, structural or mechanical engineering.
4.Earth sciences.
5.Environmental science
6.Geography and/or Geology.
As a waste management officer, you'll need to:
1.Oversee waste management schemes, such as at landfill sites.
2.Supervise the transportation of waste to ensure that it takes place efficiently without contaminating air, land or water sources.
3.Assist with the development, promotion and implementation of new waste disposal schemes.
and many more....
You'll need to have:
1.The ability to grasp complex and dynamic legislation.
2.The capacity to explain, apply and monitor such legislation.
3.Effective communication skills, both oral and written.
4.Patience and resilience.

Going forward for success:
Our community is part of our life . We should try to think about it. Our pretend Passion project is also helping in some of the great ways for benefiting our community like we have seen many waste management consultant, which help our community to spread about the situation and about the condition of waste in people's mind . So looking forward with it, our pretend Passion ( WMC ) helps community to be safe from waste materials and free from diseases.
There are many names that people will remember us after 50 years when we get success. But we want that people should remember us with A PERSON WHO NOT WORK FOR WEALTH OR PROFIT BUT FOR PEOPLE, COMMUNITY AND OUR COUNTRY INDIA.

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Do you have enough capacity for schooling in your locality? if yes than how much?

Yes, as per Delhi, it has locality for school education. There are about 30 and above schools with 350000+ students capacity. It is a big number, and it's also good.
Some important things:-
1.At least 35 million children aged 6 – 14 years do not attend school.
2.53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate.
3.In India, only 53% of habitation has a primary school.
4.In India, only 20% of habitation has a secondary school.
This kind of scenerio is because of some costly schools,we are not saying that private schools are not good, it is best I can say and it also has many facilities but because of some things, it can only afford education to rich people.

As per this let's look at two most important scenerios:-
Government School:-
Government schools has many children for education and it is also better to make such poor people educate . So this can be in the locality, we have enough capacity for this type and money will be saved . Government also spent a lot of money for these schools and people education is now becoming more important.
Important things about these schools:-
#Here teacher doesn't do recap the things.
#Space is comfortable for children
Private School:-
These schools are very much costly and about 500000+ poor people are without education because of private school cost.As per the thing here are less facilities and also there are some more of it.They also take donation and monthly payment which only rich and qualified parents can pay. So as per it , we don't have enough capacity for it because it will be very costly if we open these kind of school in our locality.
Some important things :-
#Here children are happy because all the things are fancy and qualified.
#In some of private schools,everything is costly, even if you take a pen from school they will ask for money.
Let's see the category of Languages in private and Government Schools:-

Monday 19 April 2021

Do you have enough capacity for schooling in your locality? If yes than how much?

Yes, as per Delhi, it has locality for school education. There are about 30 and above schools with 350000+ students capacity. It is a big number, and it's also good. As per the thing there can be two sceneries:-

Government School:-
Government schools has many children for education and it is also better to make such poor people educate . So this can be in the locality, we have enough capacity for this type and money will be saved . Government also spent a lot of money for these schools and people education is now becoming more important.
Private School:-
These schools are very much costly and about 500000+ poor people are without education because of private school cost.As per the thing here are less facilities and also there are some more of it.They also take donation and monthly payment which only rich and qualified parents can pay. So as per it , we don't have enough capacity for it because it will be very costly if we open these kind of school in our locality.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Do you have enough capacity for schooling in your locality?if yes,how much?

We have the capacity--if we have big area--can be useful--children will enjoy--study will be easy--educational community would be there---understand better--work better.
But on the other hand---it can reduce education---can be lazy---people will be reduced--So it is better to study in Al school far by.

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Script - Deep in the Jungle of doom ( NOVEL )


Zoe ( Jyoti )

Crosby ( Richa )

Warrior women ( Sahil )

Narrator ( Jasmeen )

Zoe - Can you see there is something ? ( At night )

Cronby- Yes, something is there , we should go and see it.

Zoe - Let's go

Cronby - Oo it is getting bigger. ( Afraid )

Zoe - Yes.

Cronby - It is a monster.

( With full anger, comes out a creature comes,Warrior woman )

Warrior women- Now, I will eat you. ( Roaringly )

( Cronby and Zoe runs and warrior woman run behind them )

( Warrior women catches them )

Zoe and cronby - Who are you ? ( Frightened )

Warrior woman - I am a monster

Zoe - Are you that monster who has eaten our friend ?

Warrior woman - Yes.

Cronby - Will you be eating us also ?


Warrior woman - Yes, with a special dinner.

Zoe and Cronby - Please don't do it!  ( Sweating in fear )

Warrior woman - Ok, I will leave you but you have to do my one thing?

Zoe - Yes, off course!

Warrior woman- You have to go and bring gold from the cave of this forest.

Zoe and Cronby - Okay we will do it.

They bring gold with so much fear and they become friends with warrior woman!



Monday 5 April 2021

Skit - Novel Deep in the jungle of doom

Zoe - Can you see there is something ? ( At night )
Cronby- Yes, something is there , we should go and see it.
Zoe - let's go
Cronby - Oo it is getting bigger. ( Afraid )
Zoe - Yes.
Cronby - it is a monster.
( With full anger, comes out a creature comes,Warrior woman )
Warrior women- Now, I will eat you. ( Roaringly )
( Cronby and Zoe runs and warrior woman run behind them )

( Warrior women catches them )

Zoe and cronby - Who are you ? ( Frightened )
Warrior woman - I am a monster
Zoe - Are you that monster who have eaten our friend ?
Warrior woman - Yes.
Cronby - Will you be eating us also ?
Warrior woman - Yes, with special dinner.
Zoe and Cronby - Please don't do it!  ( Sweatingly in fear )

Warrior woman - Ok I will leave you but you have to do my one thing?
Zoe - Yes, off course!

Warrior woman- You have to go and bring gold from the cave of this forest.

Zoe and Cronby - Okay we will do it.

They bring gold with so much fear and they become friends with warrior woman!

Saturday 3 April 2021


saw a creature---moved closer---more close to it---looking like a monster---it was dark around---was a very huge monster---ran gastly---monster ran behind---catch them---were scared---told will you eat us---yes,said monster roaringly---gets more scared---sweated---were daydreaming!

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Book - Deep in the Jungle of doom by R.L Stine . ( OUTLINE )

Talks about adventurous things--have some new vocab for jungles--also talk aboutsome of the trees, snow etc--elaborated things--explain the things using simile, some examples--tells about the snow that how it fall--also about water--this relate it to something else--have specialised character--every content has different parts--related to adventure things like snow, waterfall, trees,it's leaves,Dragons and many more.

Saturday 27 March 2021

Understanding of Video,27/3/2021

The video is all about AI.So the full form of AI is Artificial intelligence. AI is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligence behaviours in computers.It teaches machines and technology. Now a days technology is updating day by day.People thought that how to bring things that can interact with us, so they reaserched on it and they found out this phenomenon. They firstly studied about the human brain. Human brain helps to receive,process and send things.They also add emotions in their robots which was called affective computing.They told the robot , difference between duck and spiday. From that they started recreating and updating the robots. People who are in he and alone, they have these robots so that they can interact and don't feel that they are alone. AI helps to build and create new things. Now they are working on a hand that can work like a real human hand . It have 5 fingers that works like a human hand. So the basic purpose of the video is to tell people that everything is possible in life , we just have to think and create our own out of it.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Advertisement - Magic Box

This beautiful purple colour box is not a normal box, it has magic in it.Do all of you want to know? So go ahead and buy this nice product with very nice discount! You all would be very excited, so have patience in you ! Ok, for you I would like to tell a hint of what kind of magic is there, so there is a magic in it that is related to the shinning thing that appear at night in the sky! You would Now probably want to know , yes? Now, there is a Holi offer coming up , and we have put free special stuffs with this magic box.This is only for Rs1000/- . And for more details contact us on 1000203495 or email 

Profession - Waste management consultant

Profession - WASTE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT Evidence - It more focusses on waste or hazardous things which will help to know about...