Tuesday 6 April 2021

Script - Deep in the Jungle of doom ( NOVEL )


Zoe ( Jyoti )

Crosby ( Richa )

Warrior women ( Sahil )

Narrator ( Jasmeen )

Zoe - Can you see there is something ? ( At night )

Cronby- Yes, something is there , we should go and see it.

Zoe - Let's go

Cronby - Oo it is getting bigger. ( Afraid )

Zoe - Yes.

Cronby - It is a monster.

( With full anger, comes out a creature comes,Warrior woman )

Warrior women- Now, I will eat you. ( Roaringly )

( Cronby and Zoe runs and warrior woman run behind them )

( Warrior women catches them )

Zoe and cronby - Who are you ? ( Frightened )

Warrior woman - I am a monster

Zoe - Are you that monster who has eaten our friend ?

Warrior woman - Yes.

Cronby - Will you be eating us also ?


Warrior woman - Yes, with a special dinner.

Zoe and Cronby - Please don't do it!  ( Sweating in fear )

Warrior woman - Ok, I will leave you but you have to do my one thing?

Zoe - Yes, off course!

Warrior woman- You have to go and bring gold from the cave of this forest.

Zoe and Cronby - Okay we will do it.

They bring gold with so much fear and they become friends with warrior woman!



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