Tuesday 16 March 2021

Speech - Introducing a new superhero to the world.

Introducing Seismoman to the world. He is a new superhero . He is very famous for his personality .It has power to control seismic waves.There is a device called seismometer from which Seismoman measures seismic waves.This instrument allow us to detect the earthquakes by converting vibrations due to seismic waves into electrical signals, which we can then display as seismograms on a computer screen.Seismoman is very powerful. He is only the one who can save us from the imminent earthquake. He has power to change everything in seconds.He has come from Neptune specially to save us all . This earthquake is very high and can lead to destroy whole earth. So we should trust Seismoman.


  1. Good work .Try to follow the rubric .

  2. Nice explanation. Try to add more points.

  3. Marvelous 👏
    Well done!
    But you can write or add more things related to the topic otherwise it is very beautiful because you add relevant information.
    Thank you 🙂

  4. Wow!
    It's creative and I like the idea of yours. Extending word limit would be better for readers to understand better.

    Keep blogging!


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